
I am just learning my way around jekyll / markdown. I have shamelessly copied the layout from Tomer Filiba's homepage. Hopefully, this will look different as I customize various parts and add features.

Latest blog posts

org-mode to markdown

posted on April 21, 2012

I finally tried markdown, and I love it. It inspired me to finally update my home page. So this site !

Live Coding with AutoHotkey.dll.

posted on April 21, 2012

When I am coding in autohotkey, I always bind the reload command to !r. The Listvars window and the ListLines window are always available as a debugging aid. Now running a script in AutoHotkey.dll, you can modify variables in a running script using ahkgetvar and ahkassign. I think with the com interface to vim, it wouldn’t be hard to make changes flow into the source code. AutoHotkey.dll also allows you to load a script but not execute it. Then you can access the abstract syntax tree of the script using the dll’s introspective capabilities.


posted on April 21, 2012

I had been using win32 com for the glue between autohotkey and python. But that was limiting with multiple machines and operating systems. So I finally got around to getting zeromq working in autohotkey: ahkzmq.

z := zstart("tcp://localhost:5555")
omsg := ["what", "else"]
zsendrcv(z, omsg)

Recent Pages

ETC | 21 Apr 2012

org-mode to markdown
BLOG | 21 Apr 2012

Live Coding with AutoHotkey.dll.
BLOG | 21 Apr 2012

BLOG | 21 Apr 2012